成都初一设计 发表于 2021-8-3 09:45

成都初一美学设计 | 咖啡厅+酒吧


In the cafe space, the designer uses "penetrating the medium and blurring the boundary of the space" as the framework and adopts the form of square sky and round earth. He breaks the existing axis arrangement, and utilizes the arc-shaped moving lines to activate the experience of the space.


Finally, the internal and the external, the virtual and the real, the rigid and the soft, the geometric shapes and the arcs are alternately interspersed with each other, and time and space are unified at this moment, so that one can obtain an immersive experience in the art space.

「光 影」Light and Shadow


「吧 台」Counter
By using the design language of Cubism, the counter of the cafe is built into an integrated sculpture with multiple functions, which highlights the important position of the counter in the space.

「散座区」Scattered Dinning Area

「楼梯」The stairs

「阳 光 房」Sun Room
The sunlight is filtered by the layers of leaves, and when it falls into the sun room, it turns into a faint round light flickering halo. The sun room is another leisure experience between indoor and terrace. Its existence is no longer confined to a fixed way of life. You can indulge yourself in the poetic sentiment given by the sunshine and beautiful scenery, and enjoy a relaxed and free release.

On the terrace on the third floor, while overlooking the beautiful scenery of Pihe River, you can eat and chat in the breeze, and admire green scenes,
breathe fresh air, and enjoy life.

「设计稿」The design draft

「项目信息」-项目名称:咖啡厅+酒吧. 麻省后院项目面积::1100㎡落地时间:2021.06设计团队:成都初一美学空间设计设计总监:张月 李海龙设计执行:SAC 罗鑫文章排版:SAC摄影师   :那个普尤

CARINA--CHAN 发表于 2021-8-3 11:46


124764522 发表于 2021-8-3 14:50


15152457851 发表于 2021-8-3 17:25


Lee.东光 发表于 2021-8-4 07:54


邓显俞 发表于 2021-8-4 08:47


狂人段肆凯 发表于 2021-8-4 10:50


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-17 07:23


haiya2086 发表于 2024-3-19 09:45

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