A1000xBetter 发表于 2023-7-5 11:36

个性使然 | a1000xbetter

A1000xBetter是一家位于美国加州的设计机构,由Kirsten Blazek于2014年创立,创立原则是,设计是一个细致入微、层次分明的过程,超越外表,深入本质。Kirsten Blazek来自苏格兰,她对精致而富有传奇色彩的美学叙事有着根深蒂固的热爱。

A1000xBetter is a design agency located in California, USA, founded by Kirsten Blazek in 2014. The founding principle is that design is a meticulous and hierarchical process that transcends appearance and delves into essence. Kirsten Blazek is from Scotland and has a deep-seated love for exquisite and legendary aesthetic narratives.


Eagle Rock Modern


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The owners of this home in Los Angeles really like the recent trend for warm naturalness in interior design, so it was with this wish that they approached the A1000XBETTER studio with a request to help decorate their new home. But besides that, they wanted to emphasize the character of the house with original architecture and high ceilings. The designers did an excellent job of creating both cozy and stylish living space。


Warmth and character were of the utmost importance when designing this Eagle Rock ground up new construction. Modern lighting, clean lines, beautiful vaulted ceilings and an attention to detail gave the home a consistent, jaw dropping presence—all while feeling equally intimate and cozy.


Studio City Post and Beam



The basis of the design of this modern villa in Los Angeles is wood – there is a lot of it, in different types and forms, and it creates style and comfort. Designers mainly used panels in cabinet furniture and on the walls, but the ceilings are also decorated in wood, in addition, this warm material is also found in other decorative elements. But certainly without natural light, this home would not look so impressive – large windows throughout the house do their job. Great modern design!.


Sierra Madre Craftsman



Nestled in the foothills of Sierra Madre, CA, this stately craftsman was deserving of a kitchen and family room that not only fit the home's historical identity, but that also inspired family gathering. We designed the adjoining spaces to include traditional details and motifs, paired with contrasting elements and a bolder-than-usual palette. The rich woods and era-specific wallpaper invite nature indoors, creating an almost storybook-like experience.

360967168 发表于 2023-7-5 13:38


hh91359 发表于 2023-7-6 11:31


设计师lzh 发表于 2023-7-6 21:56


JanManL 发表于 2024-2-1 17:29

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