挽风 发表于 2015-6-8 16:56

湖北神农架机场航站楼 / 中信设计

神龙架作为中国物种基因库、华中屋脊,有着神秘原始的自然风貌。在这古老的山林中,有着一段华夏始祖——神龙“搭架尝百草”的美丽传说,神农氏在此“架木为梯,以助攀援”,“架木为屋,以避风雨”,最后“架木为坛,跨鹤升天”。中信设计在创作神龙架机场航站楼的过程中,充分结合了这一地域和文化特征,着力打造一座生态、轻松的,旅游和通用航空相结合的民用4C级机场。方案立意源自“架木为屋”,师法自然。设计采用“化整为零”的手法,以三角折板的屋面组合来模拟群山之态,破除了整体大屋面可能带来的单调。转折的屋面呼应群山的连绵起伏,丰富了天际线,使得建筑在诠释神农架独一无二的地域特征时,对周边自然景观也起到协调和保护的作用。Shen Nongjia, the gene bank of China and the spine of Central China, has a primitive and mystic landscape. This ancient forest is where Shen Nong, the primogenitor of the Chinese people, had “made scaffolds to pick medicinal herbs”, “made wooden ladder to climb the cliffs”, “built wooden hut to seek shelter from wind and rain”, and “erected wooden altar, ridden a crane and flown to heaven”. In conception of the Airport Terminal of Shen Nongjia, CADI has considered the local cultural and historical features. The theme is to create an eco-friendly, leisurely, tourism-oriented and general aviation purpose civilian 4C airport.The motif of the design is “to erect a building with wooden structures”. The natural landscape will be preserved. The methodology of “break up the whole into parts” is applied in the design process. The roof made of triangular folded plates takes the form of mountain terrain thereby avoid the monotonousness of whole body roof. The folded roof looks like the wandering mountains. In the background of skyline, the building perfectly melts into the geographical features, forming a harmonious landscape with the surroundings. 平面布置上充分体现航站楼功能交通流线便捷高效的特点。随机起伏的屋面,整体架空于功能平面之上,对设计立意做充分表达。极好的控制项目造价,保证了实际使用中的顺畅高效,造型及空间体验又得以升华。The plane arrangement reflects the streamlined functions of the terminal. The randomly rippling rooftop rests on the functional plane, fully expressing the design concepts. The project cost is well controlled, without compromising the efficiency of actual use. The overall pattern and spatial arrangement are enhanced by this ingenious design.
此外,设计生态概念突出,透明的玻璃幕墙和钢架形成强烈对比,幕墙反射的自然景色与起伏的木色屋顶融为一体,让建筑形象稳重而又不失自然,有机的融入了青山绿水之间。The design also reflects the ecological awareness. The transparent glass curtain wall and the steel trusses form a sharp contrast. The natural scenery in the reflection of curtain wall and the rippling wooden roof are melted into an organic whole. The building is grand and natural. It has become a part of the natural landscape. 航站楼在室内设计上,延续了建筑设计的理念与风格,中心地带的生态园林式候机区,别具一格。装饰细部上,则精心选择了溢满生态气息的当地石材与木材作为装饰面材,森林般的柱子点缀其中,形成独具特色的高山神态旅游机场。整个建筑充满“野趣”的同时,也迎合旅游者轻松、愉悦、好奇的心理特征。The indoor design also follows the ecological design concept and style. The waiting area in the central zone takes a unique garden style. For detailed decorations, local stone and wooden materials are used in the eco-friendly finish design. The columns look like trees in the forest. The ecological design of the airport adds some rustic charm to the building, and creates a relaxed, delightful and amusing atmosphere for the tourists.

Time of design/completion: 2009/2013
Project site: Shen Nongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province
Total land area: 6,911 m2
Total floorage: 3,750 m2

villion 发表于 2015-6-23 14:21

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