
 24高清案例 新媒体课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
野奢北疆 设计游学
医生 | Doctor


The clients are a large family including several generations, all of whom are doctors. The grandfather told me a story from his childhood; how his maternal grandfather was a monk of Lingyue Temple in the mountains, who was responsible for treating the surrounding mountain folk. He once visited their home and brought with him three medical books as a gift. From that point on he was fascinated with medicine, and after several years he became a university medical student. I suppose this experience, carried on through the generations, may have created a certain family character, which was expressed upon our first meeting together where the young couple said they preferred bright spaces rather than dark corners.

▼项目概览,Overall view © 成直

▼建筑外观,Exterior view © 成直

监狱 | Prison


The Taihang mountain range was an important front during the Second World War in China. Junxiang village was occupied by the Japanese as a military base. After a large fire, this courtyard was rebuilt by the invaders as a temporary wartime prison. The new building was quite special, as a single sloping roof with lower eaves faced the outside. Although surrounded by natural beauty, the yard was enclosed by high walls and deep shadows, and as the only place which received any light, the circling houses were shrouded in darkness. After the war, the government returned the house to its original owners. A home became a prison, and the prison turned back into a home. Afterwards, the entire family moved to the city, and the traces of lives from different eras remain. When we visited the site in summer, although all buildings were in various stages of decay or had collapsed entirely, plants grew wildly in the yard and under the high walls and shadows. We could feel there exists a very special sense and atmosphere.

▼场地原貌,Original site photo © 察社办公室

▼总平面图,Masterplan © 察社办公室


After being completely abandoned by the owners for several years, the houses would be rebuilt as a vacation home and guest house. However, the existent condition of the site was far different from what was imagined by the clients.

▼场地和周边环境,Site and Environment night view © 成直

越狱 | Prison Break


The most straightforward method in renovating the site was to demolish the existing environment and construct a completely new one, however But from another prospective, the profile of Castel Sant’Angelo del Tiber, also a prison, reveals a different message, as successively a mausoleum, a prison and a castle, where the high walls also provide a certain shelter and security at the same time. Whether in reality (Castel Sant’Angelo) or in fantasy films or television (season 4 of Walking Dead), within a world in crisis a prison could also be a castle and shelter. It would be quite regretful to completely make vanish the unique spatial scene, cutting off the memory of the land. So the design became a “prison break” while maintaining the characteristics of the site.

▼建筑与胡同,Site and Hutong © 成直


▼设计动图示意,Diagram – gif. © 察社办公室

▼分解示意图,Diagram – exploded © 察社办公室

We first rebuilt the building which had nearly collapsed, combined its own materials with a new steel structure, and kept the original form, strengthening the building which could still function. On the ground, we added new rooms as connectors to create new orders. Above, three new structures were attached to the old building’s roof and on top of those high walls. They are parasitic organisms, titled: “basket”, “suitcase”, and “cabinet”, which provide natural light and fresh air on the ground, as well as a line of sight and activity to the roof. In this way, the courtyard behind the high wall reconnected to the nature and surrounding fields.

▼三个寄生的房子:“提篮”,“手提箱”和“高脚柜”,Three new structures: “basket”, “suitcase”, and “cabinet” © 成直

▼屋顶平台,Roof terrace © 成直

合多为一 | Combining several into one


▼轴测示意,Axon © 察社办公室

The space between the corners of the courtyard and the existing buildings is the first to be occupied, and the separate areas on the first floor of the new building become a “coherent whole”. We opened the facade facing the inner yard, with large planes of glass taking the place of brick walls and wooden frames. The design attempts to create a new system buried beneath the high walls. The light that passes through the skylight changes throughout the day and is reflected between the white walls though a succession of places, bringing forth a rich environment of shadows and light. Even though the high walls remain overhead, the darkness turns into shifting shades of grey and the brightness of the large space follows.

▼室内一瞥,A glance to the interior © 成直

▼连续的场所,A succession of places © 成直


In this continuously changing space, public spaces are located in the middle. Bedrooms are arranged in quiet corners at the far end, or on the second floor. The corner bedrooms enjoy their own yards. The second floor bedrooms are set back from the high walls and receive plenty of sunlight and views toward the mountains.

▼卧室,Bedroom © 成直

▼卧室洗手池,Bedroom basin © 成直

跳墙之家 | House over the wall


The original entrance of the courtyard is in a remote corner. We opened a new one on the wall by the Hutong of the south building. Guests can directly enter the interconnected interior. In addition to its function as a lobby, a row of sliding doors to the south conceals storage, an equipment room, a laundry room, and a stairwell leading to the second floor “suitcase”, which rises backwards from the top of the original high wall on the north side. With a distance from the ground floor public spaces, it is a guest room with a far view.

▼南房首层门厅,The lobby in the south building © 成直


▼剖面透视,Sectional perspective © 察社办公室

Turning right and entering the west building through a corridor, this is the core site of public spaces. The large dining room has the best view of the courtyard and is well connected to the rest of the building. The site over the east wall becomes an extension of the building, with an open kitchen under a high window looking over the street. A staircase leads up to the roof. The steel structural ‘basket’ lies on the roof of the original building. The old roof, which has been occupied, expands the limited area of the roof terrace. The slope has been transformed into steps, with a long polished concrete table facing eastward towards the mountains and fertile fields.

▼西房是整个公共空间的核心 © 成直
The west building is the core site of public spaces

▼室内局部,Interior view © 成直

▼餐厅,Dining hall © 成直

▼厨房,Kitchen © 成直

▼楼梯,Stairway © 成直


People standing in the inner yard cannot observe the addition of the ‘baskets’, but can see people moving around on the roof. The side of the steps appears as a glazed light strip. The old wooden structure on the ceiling is rescued from the dark shadows by skylights. At night, the light also spills out onto the roof from these same skylights.

▼庭院,Yard © 成直

▼屋顶平台,Roof Terrace © 成直


The north room is directly connected to the east room and, as the most ancient member of the courtyard, that was once spared from the war, we simply replaced the rotten wood pillars, re-roofed the house, pushed back the neighboring building that had tilted to the east and kept the rest as original as possible, functioning as a complement to the large dining room, small library, and tea room.

▼茶室,Tea Room © 成直

▼室内局部,Interior view © 成直


The west building located at the other end assumes a versatile function. On the one hand, the first floor is used as part of the public space, a movie room. The “cabinet” can also be used as a temporary bunk room when there are guests staying overnight.

▼影音娱乐室,Movie room © 成直


材料和构造 | Materials and construction


The budget was quite limited. Based on photographic documentation, we recreated the original brick and stone facade. The old gatehouse, “shadow wall” and all brickwork on the face and roof of the north building have been preserved. In contrast to the coarse texture of the old building, the new addition has a lightweight steel structure, large expanses of glass and red cedar veneer. The interior furnishings are uniformly made of cheaper willow eucalyptus plywood on site, and the floors are finished in polished concrete. The steel structure is relatively voluminous and was quick to construct, responding to the complexity of the sites original state.

▼设计重现了砖石混砌的高墙,The recreated brick and stone facade © 成直

▼庭院夜景,Courtyard night view © 成直

▼项目模型,Project model © 察社办公室

▼一层平面图,1st floor plan © 察社办公室

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan © 察社办公室

▼东立面图,Elevation east © 察社办公室

▼南立面图,Elevation south © 察社办公室

▼剖面图1,section 1 © 察社办公室

▼剖面图2,section 2 © 察社办公室

▼剖面图3,section 3 © 察社办公室

▼剖面图4,section 4 © 察社办公室

▼细部节点,Detail © 察社办公室

项目名称:跳墙之家 – 良好的占据,还有逃离一座监狱

Project name: House Over the Wall – How to occupy and escape from a prison
Project type: Private House
Design: Chaoffice
Website: chaoffice.info
Contact e-mail: chaobeijing@outlook.com
Design year: 2021
Completion Year: 2022
Leader designer & Team: CHENG Zhi / WU Di / PAN Juhao
Project location: No.17, Junxiang Village, Zhaitang, Mentougou District
Gross built area: 283㎡
Photo credit: CHENG Zhi
Partner: Engineer:GAO Xuemei
Clients: LIU Yaou / SHEN Yuan
Materials: Red Cedar Timber / Shorea Plywood



 24高清案例 新媒体课 创业课 设计师证书申报通道




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