SO-IL 发表于 2022-10-25 11:06

尤伦斯当代艺术中心,上海 | SO-IL

尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA) 已为推广国际知名艺术家和国内新星提供了一个令人瞩目的舞台。随着其雄心勃勃的商业文化综合体在北京的影响力不断扩大,UCCA的第三个也是最新的场馆——UCCA EDGE,为中国的另一个文化大都市上海开启了灵活而便捷的艺术体验。

Beijing’s revolutionary UCCA Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) has established a name for itself as the premier venue for both introducing artists of international renown and promoting rising domestic stars. While the influence of its ambitious commercial-cultural mix continues to expand in Beijing, this third and newest venue, UCCA EDGE, opens a flexible and accessible arts experience to China’s other cultural metropolis, Shanghai.

▼外观,exterior view ©Chen Hao


EDGE occupies the second to fourth floors of a 86m mixed-use tower, embracing its typology with a diverse set of programs which include exhibition spaces, restaurant, and retail. Local codes mandate prefab elements to comprise 70% of new construction. Our design differentiates the center from adjacent mixed-use floors by breaking away from the pre-existing constraints of a building already under construction.

▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior space ©Chen Hao

▼接待区,reception area ©Chen Hao

▼大厅,the hall ©Chen Hao

▼通高空间,double height space ©Chen Hao

▼窗边展区,space by the window ©Chen Hao

▼首展现场,the inaugural exhibition: City on the Edge: Art and Shanghai at the Turn of the Millennium ©Chen Hao


The selective puncturing of structural slabs diversify the spatial experience of its simple structural efficiency, an architectural gesture that calls attention to verticality and scale. Spaces distinguished by acoustic plaster walls finished in reflective metallic further steer the cultural institution away from a largely off-the-shelf environment context.

▼空间中的多样材料,materials ©Chen Hao

▼看向楼梯空间,stairs leading to the upper floor ©Chen Hao

▼楼梯细部,details of the stairs ©Chen Hao


A soft entrance wall introduced to existing lobby escalators welcomes visitors and discerns the center from the rest of the curtain wall-clad building. Our design emphasizes material juxtaposition throughout, employed not only for its aesthetics but as a strategy to programs. Rough and sharp, smooth and textured, light and dark, all interwoven to create an unconventional exhibition space.

▼上层空间,upper floor space ©Chen Hao

▼UCCA品牌墙,the UCCA wall ©Chen Hao

▼细部,details ©Chen Hao

Client: UCCA Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA)
Location: Shanghai, China
Program: art museum, cafe, restaurant, bookstore
Area: 5500 m2 / 53,820 sf
Status : Completed
Team: SO – IL Design Team: Jing Liu, álvaro Gómez-Sellés, Rubi Xu, Ray Rui Wu, Beatriz
de Uña Bóveda, Yuanjun Summer Liu, Sophie Nichols
Onsite architects: Coldefy
Structural engineer: JAE Jiang Architects & Engineers
MEP engineer : JAE Jiang Architects & Engineers
Photography: Chen Hao
Graphics: Linked by Air

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1很简洁的设计 空间构型很棒12
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 尤伦斯当代艺术中心,上海 | SO-IL
