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The kindergarten takes place in Saint Louis’s hospital in the 10th district of Paris. Located in a heritage area, the project is established on a 350㎡ plot, next to an existing kindergarten for hospital’s staff which garden will be shared between the two structures and will host 48 cribs. As the city of Paris requested the building to be dismountable, the architects have opted for dry construction methods and prefabricated wooden structures and dismountable assemblies, allowing a possible deconstruction and a future reuse of the building on another site.

▼项目位于历史区,Located in a heritage site © Benoit Florençon

▼项目概览,Overall view © Benoit Florençon


The proposed plot for the project delimited by a curved road and an existing garden define the shape of the building.

▼场地轴测图,axonometric © Benoit Florençon



The building is characterized by different faces :

The first face of the building, connected to public space, is covered with pre-weathered zinc cladding for a better integration in the Parisian environment. This cladding plays the role of a protective envelope and brings a contemporary note with perforated pattern that takes inspiration from windows of the Saint-Louis chapel next to the plot. The double height windows with wooden frame reinterprets the front building’s windows and helps to minimize the scale of the building also thanks to mesh pattern.

▼被锌覆层覆盖的立面,Façade covered with zinc cladding © Benoit Florençon

▼具有现代气息的网状图案,Modern mesh pattern © Benoit Florençon

▼双层高的木质窗户,The double height windows © Benoit Florençon


The second face is hidden from outside view and opens toward a protected garden of an existing kindergarten. Its treatment contrasts with the rest of the building: more transparent and permeable, creating a direct relationship with the shared garden, it brings the light go through the children’s spaces. The glazed façade reveals also the timber structures of the building (glulam posts and beams) and frames modules. The setback on the first floor creates an outdoor terrace partially covered.

▼面向花园的立面,Facade facing the garden © Benoit Florençon

▼更加通透的立面,Facade which is more transparent © Benoit Florençon

▼木质结构,Wooden sturture © Benoit Florençon

▼模数的框架,Modulus frame © Benoit Florençon

▼建筑后退形成的室外露台,Outdoor terrace formed by building setback © Benoit Florençon▼建筑后退形成的室外露台,Outdoor terrace formed by building setback © Benoit Florençon


The 3rd face is the green roof of the building that recreates the garden present in the hospital before the project. It contributes to water retention and preserves biodiversity, offering a space accessible to birds and insects.

▼从半覆盖的室外露台看向花园,Looking out to the garden from the semi-covered outdoor terrace © Benoit Florençon


The project’s spatial organization revolves around a central indoor street straight in the axis of the main access connecting the two floors, each one hosting a daycare unit. This wide circulation allows punctual activities when extra space is needed. It serves, on the west side in connection with the zinc façade, offices, staff spaces as well as the technical parts. On the other side it gives access to the spaces dedicated to children opening onto the garden. Upstairs it also gives access to the terrace.

▼通向花园的出入口,Entrance to the garden © Benoit Florençon

▼相互连接的循环空间,Interconnected circulation spaces © Benoit Florençon

▼通向二层的楼梯,Stairs leading to the first floor © Benoit Florençon

▼木结构细部,Wooden stucture details © Benoit Florençon


The specific challenges of carrying out the project in such a context were multiple : integration into a regulated historical environment, maintain hospital activities during the construction, as well as a very limited worksite footprint.

▼夜幕中的幼儿园内部,Kindergarten interior at night © Benoit Florençon

▼幼儿园夜览,Kindergarden at night © Benoit Florençon

圣路易斯幼儿园被标记为BBC Effinergie +,并在2021年时获得了地区木结构建筑奖。

The building is labelled BBC Effinergie + and won Regional timber construction award in 2021.

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼立面01,elevation 01 © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼立面02,elevation 02 © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼立面03,elevation 03 © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼剖面图,sections © Janez Nguyen Architects


▼构造细节01,details 01 © Janez Nguyen Architects

▼构造细节02,details 02 © Janez Nguyen Architects

Project Name: Saint-Louis kindergarten, a wooden building in a heritage site
Office Name: Janez Nguyen Architects + Linia A&U
Social Media Accounts: janez nguyen architects (@janez.nguyen) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
Firm Location: 5 rue de Charonne 75011 PARIS
Completion Year: 2021
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 600 m2
Project location: Hôpital Saint Louis, 12 rue de la grange aux belles, Paris (75010)
Program: Kindergarten of 48 cribs
Lead Architects: Janez Nguyen Architects
Photo Credits: Benoit Florençon
Photographer’s Website: Benoit Florençon – Architecture and Design photographer (format.com)



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