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This project is the very first “rammed earth” implementation in Costa Rica. We completely used clay soil from the excavations for the construction of all perimeter bearing walls.

▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view © BoysPlayNice


▼场地平面图,Site plan © Formafatal

Near Uvita town, on a plot of 11,000 square meters at a height of 300 m above the sea, I designed two small villas on a hill overgrown with a jungle. Both villas, partly levitating above the steep southern slope, are designed for short-term recreational rentals. The built-up area of each of them is 90 m2.

▼并置的两座别墅,The two juxtaposed villas © BoysPlayNice


My intention was to design sustainable houses with biophilic interiors, which will be sophisticatedly thought-up and at the same time their shaping will be strongly minimalist and simple. No unnecessary extra element, but also nothing to miss. The architecture of villas is deliberately with its thin and sharp lines in contrast to lush tropical vegetation, but the chosen materials and colors are perfectly coinciding with the surroundings.

▼Jaspis别墅外观,Jaspis Villa exterior view © BoysPlayNice

▼Nefrit别墅外观,Nefrit Villa exterior view © BoysPlayNice



Both villas are architecturally the same. Materials, floor plan layout, or orientation towards cardinal points are also identical. However, it differs in the interior, especially by its color concept, which is partly reflected also in exteriors.

The architectural design is based on the genius loci – on the orientation of the building plot towards the endless view of the Pacific Ocean and the morphology of the terrain. The color concept of interiors responds to the energies that were perceived in the location of the villas before their construction.
Although the villas are only 12 m apart, each of them has clearly different vibrations that I reflected into the interior design.

▼悬挑的屋顶和露台,The cantilevered roof and terrace © BoysPlayNice


Upon arrival, both villas seem very inconspicuous, humble. On the sides they are lined with newly planted tropical plants. But as soon as you pass through the villa, further towards the levitating terraces, after a few steps, the view of the ocean is opening, and you will find yourself in the generous space of the main bedroom with adjacent terraces and infinity plunge pool. As if you suddenly find yourself in a different villa other than you entered.

▼夯土外墙,The rammed earth wall © BoysPlayNice

▼别墅被新种植的热带植物环绕,The villas are lined with newly planted tropical plants on the sides © BoysPlayNice


Jaspis Villa (jaspis = jasper, bright villa) is a reflection of yin energy. It is connected to the ocean and sky, not only visually, but also its vibrations. With a color concept in sand shades, I respond to this interconnection. Nefrit Villa (nefrit = jade, dark villa) is a reflection of yang energy. In the Nefrit villa you can feel the connection with the ground and the jungle. Here, too, the chosen color concept is reaction to these energies and the red-terracotta color of the concrete floor transmits the shade of local soil to the interior of the house.

▼Jaspis别墅,露台和泳池,Jaspis Villa – terrace and pool © BoysPlayNice


The raw visual materials of rammed earth walls and concrete are complemented by the structural steel H-beams, supporting a concrete monolithic ceiling slab. The girders and ring beam of the house are visible only in the upper face of the roof, which is lined with a pair of steel “U” profiles. They also fulfill the function of the roof attic.

▼Nefrit别墅,露台和泳池,Nefrit Villa – terrace and pool © BoysPlayNice


All facades oriented to endless views of the ocean are designed from frameless glass. The profiles of sliding and solid parts of the glass facades are recessed into the grooves in the concrete ceiling slab. In this way was also applied the installation of interior lighting rails and the connecting rail for the mosquito net and the curtains around the bed. The concrete floor slab is covered with a non-slip structured cement screed, which is different in each villa. The remaining interior walls including concrete custom-designed solid furniture, are also in the surface of cement screeds, but here in smooth matte finish.

▼Jaspis别墅卧室,Jaspis Villa – sleeping area © BoysPlayNice

▼室内细节,Interior detailed view © BoysPlayNice


▼Jaspis别墅露台,Jaspis Villa – outdoor terrace © BoysPlayNice

▼Nefrit别墅卧室,Nefrit Villa – sleeping area © BoysPlayNice

▼室内细节,Interior detailed view © BoysPlayNice


▼Nefrit别墅露台,Nefrit Villa – outdoor terrace © BoysPlayNice

考虑到哥斯达黎加的气候和高湿度,项目选用了尽可能耐用的材料。夯土墙的制作由项目团队与一位来自巴西的经验丰富的专家合作完成。专家自己开设的公司Terra Compact还派出了一位建筑师Daniel Mantovani对当地工匠进行了培训,由此实现了哥斯达黎加史无前例的夯土建筑。

I chose the materials as durable as possible considering the Costa Rican climate and high humidity. To realize the clay “Rammed Earth” walls I invited an experienced specialist from Brazil, the owner of Terra Compacta company, because in Costa Rica no one had any experience with this construction method. Daniel Mantovani from Terra Compact trained several local craftsmen and together they can attribute their first place to realize Rammed Earth architecture in Costa Rica.

▼Jaspis别墅厨房细节,Jaspis Villa – kitchen © BoysPlayNice


▼Jaspis别墅浴室,Jaspis Villa – bathroom © BoysPlayNice


Minimalist architecture is also reflected in interiors, where there is no door except for the large-format sliding panel in the section of the shower and toilet. It also fulfills the function of a hanger wall with a large mirror. The equipment of the interiors is mostly custom-made. Kitchen desk, sink, shelves, solitary bedside tables or bench are made from concrete.

▼Nefrit别墅,卧室和厨房细节,Nefrit Villa – bedroom and kitchen © BoysPlayNice


▼Nefrit别墅厨房,Nefrit Villa – kitchen © BoysPlayNice

一些混凝土家具单品是由建筑师专门打造,她从比利时工作室Bram Vander-Beke的作品中获得了灵感。其他的家具、灯具、装饰物和艺术品也都是基于原创性而精心挑选的来自世界各地的设计师作品。

For some of the concrete solitaires, I was inspired by the work of the Belgian design studio Bram Vander-Beke. The creation of this studio is very close to me. Other furniture, luminaires, accessories and art were carefully selected with regard to originality, often directly from designers across all continents.

▼浴室和淋浴间,Bathroom and shower © BoysPlayNice

▼露台海景,View to the ocean © BoysPlayNice

▼别墅首层平面,Villa ground floor plan © Formafatal

▼别墅西立面,Villa west elevation © Formafatal

▼别墅北立面,Villa north elevation © Formafatal

▼别墅东立面,Villa east elevation © Formafatal

▼别墅南立面,Villa south elevation © Formafatal

▼别墅室内立面1,Villa interior elevation 01 © Formafatal

▼别墅室内立面2,Villa interior elevation 02 © Formafatal

▼别墅室内立面3,Villa interior elevation 03 © Formafatal

Studio Formafatal
Author Dagmar Štěpánová
Contact E-mail dagmar@formafatal.cz
Website www.formafatal.cz
Social media www.instagram.com/formafatal
Studio address Jilská 4, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Project location Playa Hermosa, OSA
Uvita – Bahia Ballena, Puntarenas
Project country Costa Rica

Project year 2019-2020
Completion year 2022
Built-up Area 190 m2 / 95 m2 per villa
Gross Floor Area 180 m2 / 90 m2 per villa
Usable Floor Area 180 m2 / 90 m2 per villa
Plot size 11 000 m2

Client Dagmar Štěpánová & Karel Vančura
Client’s e-mail dagmar@formafatal.cz
Client’s website www.formafatal.cz
Project website www.achioteproject.com

Photographer BoysPlayNice, info@boysplaynice.com, www.boysplaynice.com
Collaborator Rammed earth walls: Terra Compacta [Daniel Mantovani]
Statics: Ch. Vargas
Garden: Dagmar Štěpánová [part of the architectural project]
Realization: construction leader Willy Jeferson Céspedes Vargas + local workers
Realization of screed surfaces: Different Design [Pavel Trousil], www.different-design.cz
Graphic design [logo]: Zuzana Vemeová

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