
 24高清案例 AI课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
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Flexible Suite Layout with Flowing Space


Flowing space is a theory that posed by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which emphasizes classical balance, extremely concise and sophisticated details and makes space a lively force instead of negative and static exist. In space design perspective, flowing space pursues a continuously mobile space, creates a fluent, coherent, separated but not blocked space.

空间生成分析 / Space Analysis

《Black Forest Residence》项目的业主是一位金融界的当代独立女性,房子绝大部分时间是业主一个人居住,偶尔会有父母来访,但频率非常低,基于此,我们提出做一个超大开放套间的概念,空间平时都是打开的状态,以消解封闭感,不同功能区互相渗透、流动,可随着功能或情感的需要随意安排,只在有客人居住的时候,才将空间做一定分隔,满足各自的私密性。同时,中鹰黑森林是上海非常有名的以景观著称的小区,开放式的空间布局有利于获得更大视野范围的景观,使室内外产生紧密的联系。可以说不确定和不断变化是这个不同于传统的住宅空间所带来的独特体验。此外,我们通过克制的设计手法、极简的设计语汇以及恰如其分的材料表达,保持了我们一贯追求的富有诗意且极简的空间效果。

The client of Black Forest Residence is a modern, independent female who works on the financial industry. She lives independently most of the time, her parents visit her in a low frequency. Based on this, we proposed a design concept with a big and open suite: most of the spaces are open normally to decrease the closed feeling. Different function of spaces saturate and flow with each other, which could also be arranged flexibly according to function and emotion. The spaces are only separated when there is guest coming to visit to confirm the privacy of them. Also, Zhongying Black Forest is a famous residence in Shanghai which is famous for its landscape and great views. The open space layout is good for the largest and best sight of views and the connection between interior and outdoor spaces. Uncertain possibility and continuous changes bring the special experience which is different from the traditional residence. Besides, we try to restrain the design method, use minimal design language and proper material expression, building a modern and minimalist space with the poetic effect that we are always aiming for.

从玄关看向起居空间 / View From The Entrance to The Living Space

开放洗漱区 / Wash Area

从洗漱区看向书房/ View From The Washroom to The Study

从起居室看向餐厨区/ View From Living Area to Kitchen Area


Entered the foyer, the first thing we see is the open basin which is customed and made of oak and slate, becoming one of the most important visual center in the house. On both sides of open basin is two huge symmetric sliding doors, open shelves are hidden by them. The sliding doors on the north connect to multi-function room while the one on the south connect to the master bedroom. Two invisible doors behind the open basin connect to the toilet and step-in cloakroom.

从起居室看向餐厨区/ View From Living Area to Kitchen Area

餐厨区 / Kitchen Area

餐厨区 / Kitchen Area

餐厨区 / Kitchen Area

从书房看餐厨区 / View From The Study to The Kitchen Area


On the north of the house is open kitchen and dining area. The kitchen island made of oak is the visual center of this area. The surface of kitchen island is covered by micro cement, the material of which is corresponding to the material of cooking area and walls to increase the quality of spaces. The cabinet is customed by the high-quality manufacturers, forming unified and nice space effect with advanced appliance and integrated fridge.

书房 / Study


The multi-function room is separated with kitchen and dining area by two sliding doors that are open usually, which is the working and exercising area for the client. There are customed working desk and open bookshelf in the room, a folding bed is placed near the window, which makes it possible for the room to be the temporary bedroom for guests.

从书房看向主卧 / View From The Study to The Master Bedroom

从起居室看向主卧 / View From The SLiving Area to The Master Bedroom


Passing through two huge sliding doors and open basin area from multi-function room, we are in the master bedroom on the south, where we can see integrated platform bed customed by oak. There is a long board near the window for open storage space, above which is a full surface of translucent curtain that can bring soft light to the bedroom and make the bedroom more comfortable and elegant. Facing to the bedroom is the sliding television that could be slide out when needed for users to watch in a comfortable angle.

从起居室看向主卧 / View From The SLiving Area to The Master Bedroom

主卧 / Master Bedroom

主卧 / Master Bedroom

主卧 / Master Bedroom


Living room and master bedroom are separated by 3 folding doors. Customed sofa is placed on the wood platform while some books and a sculpture are set near the foyer, which forms a comfortable reading area. Folding doors face to the sofa, above which the projector screen is hidden to meet the requirement of watching movies in the living room. There is no other furniture except a customed end table, forming an elegant, poetic and minimal living space.

从主卧看向起居室/ View From Master Bedroom to Living Room

起居室/ Living Area

起居室/ Living Area


The balcony on the south side is the owner's leisure area. A long table is customized on the side near the window. The client can sit here and enjoy the beautiful city view of Shanghai while sipping tea.

休闲阳台/ Leisure Balcony

休闲阳台/ Leisure Balcony

《Black Forest Residence》是我们将“流动空间”在上海普通高层住宅中应用的一次积极探索,对于国内此类型高层住宅空间的改造升级提供了一个可研究的模板,但最重要的是它为这个房间的主人提供了一个不断变化、开放渗透的独特的空间体验。

Black Forest Residence project is a positive investigation that applies flowing space to high-rise residences in Shanghai, which offers a researchable template for the renewal of domestic high-rise residence. The most important thing is that we provided a continuously changing, open and saturated space experience.

平面图 / Plan Layout


Agency: MANN Architects

主案设计 /

王滟杰 、 Kanstantsin Remez、李思佳

Design Director /  

Wang Yanjie、Kanstantsin Remez、Li Sijia


Time: 2020-2022

项目地址 :上海市普陀区中鹰黑森林一期

Location :

Zhongying Black Forest Phase one, Putuo District, Shanghai.

室内面积 :106㎡

Area :106㎡



Oak, White board, soft light curtain, Sandstone panel


仙人掌照明 / Shaw / 木善 / 费罗娜



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