
 24高清案例 AI课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




本帖最后由 万物并作工作室 于 2022-11-9 11:55 编辑


After stripping away the wall structure, the home is like a space displaying the owner’s memory pieces. Visiting a home is like walking into the owner’s experience and emotions.

▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©陈铭


Simplified space in order to make goods and material organization own language, but also because believe that “the people” is the best style, modern household space besides can serve as a social place, it should be able to look at ourselves, the return of the dialogue with their place, they will work here open dialogue, staged scene after scene of life is ordinary and beautiful scenes.

▼用餐区看向客厅概览,A view from the dining area to the living room ©陈铭


The project is located in the hinterland of Wuhan Optical Valley, the original house construction area is 170 square meters, is a set of 4 bedrooms, the current state is two people live, so I hope the house to show the state is open, multiple transparent without obstacles. The house is a couple of people, the male house teacher Wu is a computer teacher of a famous university in Wuhan, the female house teacher Muzi is running an art media teaching institution, has a deep understanding of art and aesthetics and extremely high attains, every year to the major media arts colleges and universities in China to transport many young talents.

▼客厅概览,Overview of the living room ©陈铭


We like to use the sense of layering and contrast between different materials in the design to achieve sensory enjoyment. In this space, we made extensive use of materials and soft furnishings in different textures of dark and neutral colors, in order to achieve the look that both the owner and we wanted for this new home.

▼客厅沙发近景,Sofa at the living room ©陈铭


As far as the eye can see, black and brown natural wood veneer, medium gray art paint, deep gray matte floor tiles, deep gray rock slabs are lined up in front of the eyes, and the breath of rational and handsome arises naturally. Metal brass and soft decoration, such as sofa carpet and green plants, are integrated into the space. At the same time, a large number of natural wood veneer elements are filled everywhere in the space, which also harmonizes the rational atmosphere of the space to a certain extent. At the same time, the texture is also infinitely profound details, to achieve a delicate balance between rationality and sensibility.

▼由客厅沙发看向置物架,A view from the sofa to the storage shelf ©陈铭

▼由餐桌看向客厅置物架,A view from the dining table to the storage shelf ©陈铭


The floor-to-ceiling bookcase facing the sofa is undoubtedly the best decoration carrier and life expression in the living room space. The migration line formed by the bookcase and the load-bearing wall structure behind it enricates the walking line of the space, and also emphasizes the use scale and visual scale of the space. The folding glass door is the connection point between the living room and the study, which not only integrates but also maintains their independence to meet the needs of male and female house owners to work quietly and independently at home.

▼客厅置物架背后的书房,The reading room at the back of the storage shelf ©陈铭


The design of the overhanging booth well satisfies the interaction between the two owners when they work in the study, and also well satisfies the owners that there are many places in the home state where they can browse books. The bookcase is made of dark brown wood boards. The open structure of the bookcase and the massive collection of books fully express the scholar atmosphere of the two house owners. The embedded natural marble of ancient wood grain beautify the columns formed by the water pipe covering the original structure. A good desk and chair provide the best vehicle for working from home.

▼书房概览,Overview of the reading room ©陈铭

▼书架近景,Close shot of the shelf ©陈铭


On the window holes of the living room and study, we made a box extending from the wall. The lower end of the box is embedded with steel plate to form support strength, which meets the romantic needs of the female householder who can sit anywhere at home. Dark brown Venetian blinds are the masters of martial arts to create a space atmosphere and adjust the light. In order to reduce the sudden move of original balcony beam to the space form, we broaden the width of the beam body, use stainless steel to brass coated surface, at the same time, combined with the design of lamplight, the deliberate and space of the form for the details of the design of visual symbol, is also our than the popular design methods in the design practice, to experiment with a small, that it weakens beam, It also beautifies the spatial impression.

▼联通书房和客厅的走廊,The corridor connects the reading room to the living room ©陈铭


Looking out through the corridor, the guest dining room and study have a sense of orderly order and exhibition. Each space silently exudes charming temperament in its own field, waiting for the dialogue with the owner. The photo wall that the female owner expects is quietly displayed in the corner of the study, and the scattered lighting system is gentle every moment at home.

▼走廊看向客餐厅和书房,A view from the corridor to the living room and the reading room ©陈铭


We expanded the scale of the original kitchen, making it possible for the kitchen with the original back to the guest dining room to face the guest dining room. From then on, we have a good interactive experience between Spaces. In the visual scale, we can also see the guest dining room, study and preparatory children’s room to the greatest extent.

▼用餐区概览,Overview of the dining area ©陈铭


In the one day of life scenes, house advocate interactive to two people both inside and outside the kitchen preparing a meal, the children in the living room, in space, in the study, on the sofa, on the floor, on the booth, free play, play, study, out of the window lights decayed, window rice fragrant, this probably is the best interpretation of happiness of life.

▼用餐区看向厨房,A view from the dining area to the kitchen ©陈铭


In the dining room, the entire structure of the island is made of metallic brass, while the dining table is made of rock slabs with metal support structures embedded inside. The metal brass island and the rock plate dining table are closely intertwined, which is a beautiful presence in the space like a sculpture of “David”.

▼岛台近景,Close shot of the bar ©陈铭

▼厨房概览,Overview of the kitchen ©陈铭


The bedroom continues the material language of the guest restaurant. The dark brown natural wood skin, medium gray art paint, the sudden appearance of metallic brass, under the action of the light belt, like a masterstroke, breaks the quiet of the space, becoming delicate and fashionable.

▼卧室概览,Overview of the bedroom ©陈铭

▼卧室内的洗手间,Bathroom in the bedroom ©陈铭


The interior of the toilet also continues the material language of the public area. Eternal high-quality materials are integrated into the rich space form, and diversified classic design elements complement each other, forming a modern graphic composition.

▼洗手间,Bathroom ©陈铭

▼平面图,Plan ©万物并作工作室

项目名称: 武汉私宅-自深深处
建筑面积:170 ㎡

Project : Wuhan Private House – from deep place
Built Area: 170㎡
Design time: 2021.05
Completion time: 2022.10
Photographer:Chen Min
Main materials: Art paint, brass stainless steel, matte brick, solid wood veneer



 24高清案例 私宅全案 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




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