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This spacious and large apartment is located in a noble estate from the end of the 19th century, and enjoys a privileged position facing both Girona street and a large interior courtyard typical of the Barcelona ‘example’, additionally, the apartment enjoys extra ventilation and lighting through a beautiful interior patio with wooden carpentry and tinted glass.

▼公寓门口,Entrance of the apartment © José Hevia

▼入口处的起居室,Living room at the entrance space © José Hevia



▼空间轴测图,axonometric © Raúl Sánchez Architects

This condition of the apartment is precisely what dictated its transformation and refurbishment: a long walnut wood front, dark and elegant, with an open pore, starts from the living room next to Girona street, and runs the entire length of the apartment, 21 meters, until it reaches the gallery that leads to the inner courtyard of the block. Along this interior wooden façade, spaces with a more collective use follow one another, and their width is always oversized, to be living spaces, not just passing-through, mixing rooms with a more defined use, such as the living room or the dining room, with other more ambiguous ones, such as the cozy space next to the interior patio, which receives light through the original blue-tinted windows.

▼绿色的厨房,The kitchen in green © José Hevia


▼厨房细部,Details of the kitchen © José Hevia

▼从厨房看向餐厅,Looking at the dining room from the kitchen © José Hevia

▼餐厅,Dining room © José Hevia

▼餐厅与起居室一墙之隔,Dining room separated from living room © José Hevia

▼餐厅蓝色的饰面,Blue finish at the dining room © José Hevia


The importance of this interior cutting plane/facade is reinforced by providing it with a beginning and an end: in the living room, a ‘picture’ of brass and stainless steel finishes it off; towards the gallery, a pivot door of the same dimensions receives the same materials, but this time it changes position, insinuating an immaterial union of these two metal fronts at each end of the plan. Beyond this pivot door, the wooden front slips into the room to indicate that this space has a hybrid label, being able to be both a bedroom and a room for common use.

▼长长的胡桃木立面,The long walnut wood front © José Hevia

▼从餐厅看向公寓中的通道,View from the dining room to the corridor in the apartment © José Hevia

▼站在通道处看向不同的房间,Standing in the passage and looking at different rooms © José Hevia

▼进入卧室,Enter the bedroom © José Hevia

▼卧室中平和的氛围,Calm atmosphere in the bedroom © José Hevia


▼卧室配套的浴室,Bathroom at the bedroom © José Hevia

▼浴室洗手台,Bathroom sink © José Hevia


All the common spaces are united by the same white microcement flooring, while recovered hydraulic mosaic floors are arranged in strategic places; continuing the axis of the wooden plane towards the living room by means of two types of mosaic sliding between each other, or welcoming in the access and directing the steps towards the dining room. For the rest, different pieces of integrated furniture, all designed specifically, use color tones intentionally far from the colors of the mosaics or wood, adding counterpoints of color to a mostly calm interior.

▼美丽的画廊,The gallery © José Hevia

▼画廊处的休闲空间,Leisure space in the gallery © José Hevia

▼公寓最远端的休闲空间,The cozy space at the furthest end of the apartment © José Hevia

在胡桃木墙面的另一侧,则是更加私密的房间。这些房间的入口被隐藏起来,所有的门都与墙面齐平,每个房间都有着自己的规律,就好像它们是共用一条通道各自独立的房间:厨房向餐厅开敞,这里像一个绿色的世界,大理石表面还带有白色和淡黄色的条纹;公共浴室中安装了不同色调的壁龛,有绿色、黄色、哑光的和带细闪的;我是则铺设了橡木材质的地板,营造了更加安静的氛围,墙壁被蓝色调的织物和由Catalina Montaña为本项目专门设计的纺织品所覆盖。

On the other side of the walnut façade, are the rooms that are more private or in need of privacy. Their entrances are hidden from the front, with all the flush doors, and each of these spaces follows its own law, as if they were independent rooms that share the same access street: the kitchen opens onto the dining room like a green world with a white and yellowish band on the marble front; the shared bathroom plays with different niches and shades of green and yellow, matt and shiny, while the bedrooms are calmer environments with oak wood floors and accents in blue through wall coverings or textile designs by Catalina Montaña, made expressly for this project.

▼黄铜、不锈钢和木质材质,Brass, stainless steel and wood © José Hevia



Last not least, there is a vague intention of leaving the spaces somehow unfinished, with a subtle incomplete character, opening up the different options for occupying and using them.

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © Raúl Sánchez Architects

▼带铺装材质首层平面图,ground floor plan with paving material © Raúl Sánchez Architects

Architecture: Raúl Sánchez
Web: www.raulsanchezarchitects.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raulsanchezarchitects/
Name of project: Girona St. Apartment
Location: ‘Eixample Dreta’ neighborhood, Barcelona
Architecture: Valentina Barberio, Paolo Burattini, Flavia Thalisa Gütermann, Dimitris Louizos, Albert Montilla
Structure: Diagonal Arquitectura
enginnering: Marés ingenieros
Textile design: Catalina Montaña (www.catalinamontana.com)
Photography: José Hevia (www.josehevia.es)
Art courtesy of Victor Lope Arte Contemporáneo (https://www.victorlope.com/)
Project: 2019-2021
Construction: March 2022- February 2023
Client: Private
Built sqm: 170 m2
Budget <300.000



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